某日,高柳芭蕾舞团斋藤叶瑠子(木南晴夏 饰)被控杀害一名陌生男子而接受警方调查,搜查一课的加贺恭一郎(阿部宽 饰)受命协助石神井北署的太田刑警(柄本明 饰)追查真相。经过初步询问,警方认为这是因入室抢劫所引发的的正当防卫事件,但加贺却从中窥见诸多疑点。他先后走访剧团首席女演员高柳亚希子(音月桂 饰)、饰演黑天鹅的新人浅冈未绪(石原里美 饰)、饰演青鸟的男舞者柳生、剧团负责人梶田康成(平岳大),结果发现这群“擅长说谎”的舞者心中隐藏着错综复杂的关联和秘密。欲望当前,没有能永远隐藏的秘密…… 本片根据东野圭吾的同名原作改编,是“新参者”系列的SP作品。
In the not too distant future, a very smoggy and overpopulated Earth government makes it illegal to have children for a generation. One couple, unsatisfied with their substitute robot baby, breaks the rules and gets in a lot of trouble. (Z.P.G. stands for Zero Population Growth).
Fraught with over obvious symbolism, Hartley's early feature is nonetheless a joy to watch. Hal here shows us his uncanny ability to cast his characters perfectly came early in his career. Adrienne Shelley is a near perfect foil to herself, equal parts annoying teen burgeoning in her sexuality (though using sex for several years); obsessed with doom and inspired by idealism gone wrong she is deceptively – and simultaneously – complex and simple. Her Audrey inspires so many levels of symbolism it is almost embarrassingly rich (e.g., her modeling career beginning with photos of her foot – culminating her doing nude (but unseen) work; Manhattan move; Europe trip; her stealing, then sleeping with the mechanics wrench, etc.) As Josh, Robert Burke gives an absolutely masterful performance. A reformed prisonerpenitent he returns to his home town to face down past demons, accept his lot and begin a new life. Dressed in black, and repeatedly mistaken for a priest, he corrects everyone (I'm a mechanic), yet the symbolism is rich he abstains from alcohol, he practices celibacy (is, in fact a virgin), and seemingly has taken on vows of poverty, and humility as well. The humility seems hardest to swallow seeming, at times, almost false, a pretense. Yet, as we learn more of Josh we see genuineness in his modesty, that his humility is indeed earnest and believable. What seems ironic is the character is fairly forthright in his simplicity, yet so richly drawn it becomes the viewer who wants to make him out as more than what he actually is. A fascinatingly written character, perfectly played. The scene between Josh and Jane (a wonderful, young Edie Falco . . . You need a woman not a girl) is hilarious . . . real. But Hartley can't leave it as such and his trick, having the actors repeat the dialogue over-and-over becomes frustratingly arty and annoying . . . until again it becomes hilarious. What a terrific sense of bizarre reality this lends the film (like kids in a perpetual am notare too argument). Hartley's weaves all of a small neighborhood's idiosyncrasies into a tapestry of seeming stereotypes but which delves far beneath the surface, the catalyst being that everyone believes they know what the unbelievable truth of the title is, yet no two people can agree (including our hero) on what exactly that truth is. A wonderful little movie with some big ideas.
警探约翰•麦卡伦(布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)从纽约来到洛杉矶,见他分别已有半年之久的妻子霍莉(邦尼•彼地丽娅 饰)。他被邀请参加在一栋大厦的30层举行的圣诞晚会。然而一群匪徒却打起了大厦金库中存有的六亿多元公债券的主意。他们封锁了大楼,将参加晚会的人扣作人质。麦卡伦侥幸逃脱,只身与匪徒们展开了激烈的斗争
苏星(贾乃亮 饰)和孙小艾(陈意涵 饰)在童年时代是青梅竹马的玩伴,成年之后,苏星成为了人气极高的偶像明星,而孙小艾则在误打误撞之中做了他的贴身保姆。在朝夕相处的日子里,孙小艾看到了苏星明星光环背后不为人知的一面,并且深深的被他的正直和善良打动,随着时间的推移,两颗心渐渐靠近。 可是人红是非多,苏星的高人气招致了朱莉(陈小纭 饰)的妒忌,她设下了一个狠毒的计谋,让苏星在一夜时间失去了一切。在苏星最落魄的时候,孙小艾依然不离不弃的守候在他的身旁,坚信他的清白。是金子到哪里都会发光,渐渐的,苏星洗清自己身上的不白之冤,重新回到了职业顶峰。
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21-22赛季德甲第23轮 沃尔夫斯堡VS霍芬海姆
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