St. Jude Square is a neighborhood living in fear and despair. The dueling gangs of local kingpins Dash and Antuan terrorize the streets and the citizens live without a shred of hope... until mysterious stranger Ryan Hong (Cung Le) arrives in town. He begins to play one gang against the other using his unparalleled martial arts skills, and by calling on the teachings of his brilliant mentor Tiano (Jean-Claude Van Damme) to find the strength to battle back. However, just as he begins to bring the community under control, Hong is confronted by Mr. V, the town's ruthless and corrupt police chief. At first Mr. V is impressed by Hong's skill, but soon sees Hong as a threat to his regime, and the two warriors are locked in a head-to-head battle, pitting the fear and corruption of Mr. V's regime versus the new beginning Hong represents for the people of St. Jude Square.
有如秘境一般的荒郊野外,逡巡着一个有些落寞的中年垂钓者。他的生活一团混乱,老婆早先离家出走,女儿也患病在身。已过而立之年,却一事无成,俨然一个人生的完败者。他在岸边支起数根钓鱼竿,静静地等待鱼儿的上钩,然后恶狠狠地将它们切成块。太阳西垂,男人似乎没有返家的打算,依然故我地带在这片无人所在。突然,似有鱼儿咬钩,他奋力扯线,拼得精疲力竭,结果发现扯上来的竟是一具女尸(李贞贤 饰)。男人惊恐万分,想要摆脱反被鱼线将他和女尸紧紧缠绕。不久女尸活转过来,惊魂未定的男人又不得不经历一次无常轮回的生离死别…… 本片采用IPone4拍摄,并荣获2011年柏林国际电影节最佳短片奖。
故土在战争中沦陷,大学被占领、被炸毁。一群十八九岁的青年学生,他们匆匆出发,徒步南迁,横穿湘黔滇,最终在昆明高原组建临时大学——由清华、北大、南开联合成立的西南联大。 他们穿过一座城去听“史上最好的国文课”,听托赛里的《小夜曲》,也和先生们一起抱着书跑警报、加入飞虎队. ..... 对这些今已年过九旬的“九零后”老人而言,西南联大不是一段尘封的历史,而是依然鲜活如初的青春记忆。 杨振宁、许渊冲、潘际銮、杨苡、王希季、马识途......16位平均年龄超过96岁的联大学子联袂“出演”,带你回到那个战火纷飞、群星闪耀的年代。
剧中原SNL卡司Pete Davidson将饰演更夸张的虚构版自己,Pete将和SNL老板Lorne Michaels一起担任监制和编剧。
BACK FORK is the story of an everyman, WAYLON, struggling to hold his life and family together after a heartbreaking tragedy. He and his wife, NIDA, barely recognize themselves, let alone each other. Their inability to continue on and to heal, leaves them hopeless. With the growing burden of the unanswered questions of why, and a heavy dose of self-blame, It's only a matter of ...
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