John is a shipmaster on a very small transportation boat which regularly attends a very small harbour to buy food, actually from Anna’s father. She is a waitress and has a young daughter. She tells John that her name is Anita. They have met many times, but their first personal meeting is when both are swimming in early morning. John is asked to have morning coffee with Anna’s family. He invites her and her child to a trip to Zoo in Copenhagen. Both have genuine feelings for each other. There are lovely three-some scenes when John is proud of "being" a father, and beautiful love scenes. Christina Schollin’s naked body is cute but never obtrusive. But at that time girls were depreciated if they "gave in" too soon. So these scenes repeatedly alternate with hot misunderstandings, well-known exactly when two people with genuine feelings fear misunderstandings and try to preclude them. In the last minutes of the movie, when each has left the "harbour village" on the next day, and John has learned the real name of "Anita" and calls her from the boat, both realise without saying anything about it, that this is the beginning of a long relationship based on mutual feelings.
The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
日本战国时代,东海道甲斐的武田信玄(中村锦之助 饰)以《孙子兵法》中的“风林火山”为军旗,征战四方,立下赫赫威名。中年浪人山本勘助(三船敏郎 饰)用计投入武田信玄帐下,在武田攻略昔日盟友诹访的过程中,山本堪助全力配合主公的背义战略,击破诹访,虏获诹访家千金由布姬(佐久间良子 饰),山本堪助劝说美丽的由布姬做杀父仇人信玄的侧室,并决心扶立二人的子嗣为武田家之主。信玄在山本等家臣的辅佐下与村上等强敌连番激战,而为了实现自己对由布姬承诺的山本堪助也在暗中为这对儿母子进行谋划……
7月12日 2022NBA夏季联赛 鹈鹕VS老鹰
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