人过中年的莎拉•坎贝尔(Virginia Madsen 弗吉尼娅•曼德森 饰)生活幸福美满,丈夫皮特(Martin Donovan 饰)工作努力,三个孩子聪明可爱。然而一场灾难突然降临,他们的儿子迈特(Kyle Gallner 饰)患有癌症。夫妇俩想尽一切办法,只求爱子能逃离死神的魔掌。 在得知康涅狄格州绍辛顿拥有治疗癌症的有效方法时,他们不惜将全家搬到当地。但似乎厄运反而变本加厉。自从搬进这所房子后,迈特和两个弟妹就经常看到恐怖的幻象。随着灵异事件不断发生,莎拉终于了解到,他们所居住的房子曾经是一个停尸房…… 本片根据真实事件改编。
圣诞节前夕,一名衣着暴露的独身女子在酒店高层房间中神情恍惚,她来到阳台上,翻身坠落……刚过50岁生日的黑人警员罗杰(Danny Glover 饰)负责此案,他发现坠楼女子是自己越战时的搭档麦克之女。警局派遣瑞格(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)协助罗杰,瑞格能力卓越,但是最近陷入失去妻子的悲伤心境中无法自拔。这对新搭档很快就为瑞格解决问题的莽撞方式大吵,或许正如瑞格所说,这是一座疯狂的城市,人人都试图自杀。 随着调查不断深入,罗杰与瑞格发现坠楼事件背后的真相超出了他们的控制:原来美国中情局在越战时成立特种部队,针对越共的毒品交易进行渗透、破坏,战后,这批特种兵利用当年的交易网大肆贩毒,而麦克由于妨害毒品集团利益遭到杀害。罗杰与瑞格虽然找到了方向,但是将毒品集团捣毁显然困难重重。
This 1992 Japanese film tells the story of a scientist who sets out to create the new super Adam and Eve, humans who cannot be controlled by their emotions. Of course, the end result it not exactly what the good doctor expects. comments from imdb This modern tale of an attempt to build a creature is one of the best horror films ever made, even if its not a horror film but something else entirely. Certainly its on my short list of all time great films. This film was introduced to me by someone who told me I have this film that probably one of the best films you'll ever see. It will move you and touch you and make you think, but if I told you what it is and told you how its done you will think its the stupidest thing on the face of it and you won't watch it. Intrigued I asked what did he mean, and he said, Well its a Frankenstein story, with a very goofy sort of edge, but which uses it to its advantage. My ears perked up, and I being a trusting soul took the tape and watched it. I was blown away. The plot concerns a mad scientist attempting to make a new Adam and Eve in the wake of a suicidal plague that is ravaging the world. Locked up in his lab his experiments go differently then either he or we expect. Some of it is silly (The bolts in the neck, the wrestling moves...), all of it is touching and thought provoking. I can not recommend this movie enough. If you are willing to take the film on its terms and allow it to tell its story then I urge you to seek this film out and see it. This is an undiscovered gem that will stay with you forever. 15 out of 10 and then some. 1010 Also known as The Last Frankenstein, this is an extraordinary, impeccably produced horror film. Director Takeshi Kawamura uses Mary Shelley's novel as a mere launching pad for an exploration of subjects as diverse and fascinating as the nature of love, desire, suicide, mass hypnosis, sex, alienation and jealousy. And though the film is dense with subtext, it is also stunningly photographed and rich in atmosphere and detail. The performances are all amazing and Kawamura's sensitive handling of the strange, delicate relationships between the characters results in an emotionally charged, angst-ridden tragedy. The scenes of the confused, troubled monster hurtling through a fog-shrouded forest at night are memorable and striking, as is a brilliant home movie-style montage of the film's more curious characters enjoying a precious afternoon at the beach. Kawamura creates resonating visual poetry of horror and sadness barely sighted since Todd Browning's classic Freaks. Intelligent, emotional, tragic and real, this is an absolute gem. 910
专门培育职业演出明星的学园「圣女斯克威尔学院」,举办了一年一度的盛大活动「 少女竞技」!为了站上这个梦寐以求的舞台,少女成立了组合,发起了挑战!
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